Friday, March 14, 2003

I'm at work right now, listening to the new Mad Caddies album! It's good stuff, definitely better than their last one. "Drinking For 11" is my jam. If you can download it, do so now.

I'm outta here early today (at about 3:30) to leave for Decatur to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins. I have my guitar amp, the new bass amp that Tom gave me, and of course my guitar all loaded into el coche. Erik (oldest cousin in Decatur) and Kirsten's (second oldest) boyfriend Nick and I are going to rock the hell out of... something. Erik apparently sings like a champion (which I still have yet to confirm), and I guess Nick is pretty damn good on the drums, so it should be a lot of fun. We'll probably just mess around and play covers, but who knows... maybe we'll write a song about Satan called "Alone With You".

I went out with Dayna last night. It was the first time I'd seen her in 2 weeks, so it was excellent. First we went to Ruby Tuesday where Dayna ate some salad and I drank a couple huge Killian's. I'm so used to drinking Budweiser all the time, so it was a nice change of pace. Then we went to this bar called Otto's on the corner of Finley and Crescent, right next to where Finley crosses the tracks. That probably means nothing to you, but I don't care. Anyway, I had a Guiness and it was tasty as hell. It was actually an alright place, compared to what I was expecting. On the way home Dayna and I decided it would be great if we went there during the summer and got really trashed cuz then we could walk to my house. No driving! It's only about a mile away, and if you're drunk on a summer night? I can't think of anything better than a nice walk. Who wants to come?

This is the longest post yet, I think. I should probably finish lunch and get back to work so I can leave on time. Have a good weekend everyone! I'll post again when I get home.

P.S. Trio tickets on sale tomorrow morning!!!


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