Thursday, November 18, 2004

Go read Paul's latest post if you haven't already. Everyone really needs to start updating on a more regular basis, me included. It's pretty sad that, of about 10 blogs that I read regularly, I only see about 2 updates per week.

Since I'm leaving tomorrow for a nice week-long vacation for Thanksgiving, I figured I should post now or I'll forget everything that's happened in the last couple weeks.

I went to two pretty damn good shows over the last 5 days. On Saturday, Rob and I went to see Muse at the Riviera. Man, that band kicks ass. They're just a 3-piece, but it sounded like at least 4 or 5 guys were playing. I totally recommend any of their 3 CDs -- Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry, and Absolution. They're all very solid. Then on Tuesday, Paul and Rob and I went to see the Pixies at the Aragon. As much as that place sucks, the Pixies pulled off a good show. They played a good mix of songs that I knew along with songs that I'd never heard before. If anyone wants to get me something good for Christmas, click here and look for the Pixies CD & DVD!

What else is going on? Kate and I are trying to take care of some things for the wedding. Speaking of which, did I even tell everyone the date yet? It'll be Memorial Day weekend -- Sunday, May 29th, 2005. So we're looking into tents, tables & chairs, photographers, Portillo's, etc. It's nice to not have to worry too much about deadlines, as would be the case with booking a chapel and banquet hall. I cannot wait to start looking for our own place. We'll probably do that sometime in May so we can just move in right after the wedding. I hope everyone can make it.

What is everyone doing for New Years? If Bill is coming to Lombard like he says he is, this has the potential of being the best New Years ever. It's not for sure yet, but Kate, Mia, Paul, Laura, Rob, Dayna, Bill, and I may be going to go to Kate's dad's place (Muskrat Manor!) for the weekend. We'd try and leave on Thursday the 30th and stay through Sunday the 2nd. The only problem I see is if Kate's dad is already going up there the same weekend. That, or if Kate decides that it won't be any fun, which is what she originally thought when I first brought up the idea. I still can't figure out why -- there's so much up there that would make it great! Pool, ping-pong, an in-door sauna, sledding, a fireplace, good food, good friends, good 4 year-old girls named Mia! Damn good times. Seriously, I hope it all works out because it would be so much fun. Everyone send an e-mail to Kate ( and tell her how great it'll be! Bill, let me know if you have an idea about dates that you'll be here.

Tonight is dinner with my girls, my parents, and Kate's dad and Becky. Steak! I can't wait.

Tomorrow we leave for vacation!!! I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Eat a lot of turkey, drink a lot of beer and/or wine, and stay safe! Bye bye.


Blogger Bill said...

Worst. Blog. Ever.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Tree said...

dan and i are going with peg and lonnie and some other friends to see Spamalot on new years eve. but that will be done by 10:30 or so. we are looking for things to do afterwards, probably in the city. let us know your plans, because parties in the suburbs after are not out of the question. :0)

and i promise to try and update more. i know ive been gone alot lately. sorry!

8:02 AM  

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