Sunday, September 14, 2003

Happy! I'm feeling especially good today, mostly because last night was so great. Kate's friend Stephanie got married and we were invited to the wedding (kinda... long story). We ended up just going to the reception, so we got all dressed up, which is something I rarely do... Kate looked sooo amazing. And we went and had a couple drinks and ate some good food and laughed... and danced! Kate claims that she's never danced with a boy, except once with her dad. I was more than happy to take her dancing virginity. Or something. We only slow danced to one song, but it was wonderful. Then we left and headed over to Tree's party and hung out there for a little while. It was pretty awkward cuz both Tom and Amanda were there, but it was nice to see everyone. After that we went back to Kate's and... yeah. One of the best nights.

After I got home at around 1:30 AM or something, I turned on the TV and saw that the movie "Dancer in the Dark" was on IFC (Independent Film Channel or something). I'd heard a little bit about it before... Bjork plays the lead role and did the music for the whole movie. So I watched... and holy shit. It's the saddest movie I've ever seen. I cried like a little baby. Like, really cried. Maybe I was just tired, I don't know. But yowza. I liked it a lot.

I got the new AWK CD. Totally crazy shit. Still need to finish listening to it.

Paul's and my new manager (is that totally shitty grammar? fuck it) starts tomorrow. Should be interesting. His name is John Kennedy, but supposedly it's pronounced KennEdy, with the accent on the second e. Weird.

I need some cereal or something.


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