Saturday, August 30, 2003

Happy Saturday! Saturday mornings are wonderful. You don't have to wake up to an alarm or go to work and you know you have the whole day ahead of you to do whatever you want to do. Yee haw.

I had a pretty good day off yesterday. I rolled out of bed at about 10 AM and wasted a little time on the "Interweb". Then I proceeded to move a bunch of shit out of my room and up to my sister's old room. Moving my TV and entertainment center were quite a pain in the ass, but now I have a bunch of extra space in my room to put amps and guitars and my recording studio. It's still nowhere close to finished (I still have to get some rack to loft my bed), but when it is I will truly be able to call it MY room. I can't wait. Kate came over after work and we relaxed for a while. I cut my hair. Then we went to Bennigan's for dinner. I had one of the biggest hamburgers EVER. I also had a pint of Guinness and it was good. Then we stopped by Cub Foods to pick up some cake mix for Mia's party on Sunday, and we decided to pick up a bunch of alcohol too. The plan was to do a little drinking last night, but everyone was tired when we tried to put the Meems to bed so we all just passed out. I love those two.

Not too much is going on today. My mommy and daddy left for Decatur at about 8 this morning, so I'm just sitting here naked. Kate and Mia are supposed to be coming over in a little while, so I'll have to put some clothes on before then. I also just spoke with Rob on the phone and he's already at his new place downtown. He said he's coming back for one more load of stuff to move, so I'll probably join him on that trip. I can't wait to see the place. At some point, Kevin's also supposed to come by and set up his drums in my basement. We'll (Kevin, Devin and I) be practicing tomorrow morning before Mia's party.

When I fixed my DSL the other day, I talked to Sara online for the first time in forever. Her birthday is in November and she wanted me to go visit her (it's her 21st!). Unfortunately I'll be in Denver that weekend, but we decided to do something even better. Apparently there are some all inclusive trips to Cancún for pretty cheap. When I say all inclusive I mean airfare, hotel, meals, and DRINKS! I'll have a few days left of vacation anyway, so we're going to go to Cancún for a little 4 night trip! As of now we're gonna go at the beginning of December, but there'll be more on this as I get the details. I'm excited! I still need to go to Arizona too. This is going to be quite a vacation-filled year (Michigan twice, London, Denver, Arizona, and Cancún). I'm insane. And poor.

That's about all for now. Bill and Paul need to post more, don't you think?

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Wednesday afternoon. Slowly but surely my 4 day work week is coming to an end. This weekend is going to be so awesome. My parents'll be out of town from Friday to Monday night, which is just nice because I like wandering around my house naked. And, ya know, Kate can do the same. What?!?! Plus I think there will be a little practicing / recording happening in the basement. More on this some other time. And then Monday is off for Labor day and Tuesday is the Cubs game! Yesssssssssss!!!

Yesterday was 2 months for Kate and me, which isn't long at all... but whatever. You just wait. So anyway, we went out for a drink after she got off work. She said it went pretty well, which is excellent considering it was her first day. I always hate starting new jobs and stuff, so I'm really happy for her. It sounds like she's gonna have a hard time not seeing Mia as much once Aurora starts in a couple weeks, and I'm gonna have a hard time not seeing either of them as much... but I know everything will be just fine. We're champs! Anyway, I got a Long Island and Kate got a glass of wine and we shared some buffalo wings and it was excellent.

Tonight is MOVIE NIGHT! First, a bunch of us kids (Rob, Laura, Paul, Kate, Mia and I) are going to eat some dinner at Fuddruckers!!! I haven't been there in so long, so it should be awesome. Plus Kate is bringing Mia, which is exciting for me cuz only Paul has met her. She's not even mine, but whatever. I love her. Oh yeah, so Mia will prolly go to bed shortly after dinner. Then all us old kids will meet at Paul's to watch Requiem For a Dream (I never remember if you're supposed to italicize or underline or use quotes, but whatever). It's a pretty crazy movie, so it should be fun.

Oh yeah. I fixed our DSL yesterday! Not that I'm going to use it much, but my parents will be happy and stuff. My computer is out of my room now (since it's the "Internet Server"), and I'll probably be moving my TV upstairs since I don't ever watch it. So I'm thinking of lofting my bed, which would give me enormous amounts of room for all my guitars and amps and things. Paul was telling me that Brian Cooley, a co-worker of ours, lofted his son's bed with Interlake rack. I bet that would be pretty hilarious, and cheaper than buying wood and stuff. Soon my room will be full of nothing but a rack-lofted bed and music stuff. Woo!

Umm... I gotta go poop. Have a nice afternoon. Bill, post NOW!

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

At work again. Today has gone by pretty fast. Not too much to say really.

Oh yeah, Thrice and Thursday will be playing at the Aragon Ballroom on Nov 16th I think. Or was it Nov 17th? I forget. Either way, damn the Aragon!

The first day of Kate's internship is today. Everyone wish her luck. Not that she'll need it.

Umm... I going to take a shit now. Since my last post was long and exciting, I don't really feel bad about this one being short and boring.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Ahh lunch. I've looked forward to lunchtime since I was a young lad. I mean, I look forward to every meal because I love to eat. But lunch has always come in the middle of the day when I'm doing something I don't want to be doing (work and/or school). It's a break and a meal all in one. I'm on lunch right now, in case it wasn't obvious.

This weekend was a busy one. Friday night I hung out with Kate. We went to Chipotle, which is this Mexican fast food place. I like it a lot. Then we rented a movie ("Welcome to the Dollhouse") and hung out at her house. It's so nice, being with her. Then Saturday she had her last day of training for her internship (which starts tomorrow, by the way). During her lunch break (!!!) we went on a little picnic. I brought a cooler with some drinks and meats and breads and chips and we ate and relaxed in the shade. Picnics are fucking great. Did I mention it's so nice, being with Kate? Yeah. So she went back to training and I picked up Rob and drove to Wisconsin to see Radiohead. It was such a good show. I think it deserves its own paragraph.

We got to Alpine Valley (a venue much like the Tweeter Center, but with a not-so-stupid name) around 7 PM. We wandered around a bit, bumping into like 3 different people that Rob went to school with. Lawrence only had like 1,200 people or something, so who knows how that happened. Then we ran into Tom Else, which was pretty awkward. More on him later. We finally went down to our seats in the pavilion around 7:30. Now I knew the seats I got were decent, but holy shit... they couldn't have gotten much better. We were about 12 rows from the front of our section, just a bit left-of-center. The section in front of ours was the "pit", which was like a general admission area. I was happy to be behind them because I got to sit for the half hour before the band came on. I guess we missed the opening act, but whatever. Radiohead came on at about 8:00. I'd never seen Radiohead, but I'd heard a lot of live bootlegs and things so I thought I knew what to expect. Boy was I wrong. They came out and went right into "2+2=5", the first song off their new album and one of my favorites. It sounded pretty standard for the first half of the song. Thom's voice sounded excellent. And then? At the part when they start rocking? I think my head exploded. It was unbelievable. It was so loud and so tight and so fucking perfect. I won't go into too much more detail, but they played most of my favorites and some not-so-favorites and every one of them was fantastic. Thom was extremely entertaining, dancing all over the place, making faces into the cameras they had set up on stage... Colin was smiling the entire show and singing along in the back... Ed's guitar playing was good and his backup vocals were even better... Phil's drumming was superb and he just looked cool cuz he was wearing a white suit... and Johnny is completely insane. They were all obviously enjoying themselves, which is important because if I were playing music in front of tens of thousands of people I would sure as hell be enjoying myself. Now... I can't say it was the best show I've ever seen, but it was damn close. Radiohead has to be one of the best live bands ever. Seriously. Even if you're not a huge Radiohead fan, you must go see them if you ever get a chance. I demand it.

After the show, Rob and I drove a little further north to Milwaukee to meet a couple of his friends for a drink or 5. Good times. The drive back was pretty quick. I think I passed out around 3 AM.

Woke up Sunday morning and drove to the Michigan dunes with Paul, Laura and Rob. I hate traffic more than anything. I think it took us almost 4 hours to get there. Yuck. I need a helicopter or something. Once we got there, though, it was good times. I walked up the dune once and almost died 4 times. That thing is high, and each step up is followed by a 3/4-step slide back down the hill... so it's quite a struggle. The view once you get to the top is excellent though, and coming back down is extremely refreshing. Paul went up 3 times, because he's an idiot. And cuz he's in good shape. But mostly cuz he's an idiot. The water was a bit chilly, which was good... especially after a torturous walk up the dune. It was a good day, but I think I got too much sun because I felt like hell on the way home. Oh yeah, and traffic sucked again.

And now it's Monday again. Back at work. But it's only a 4 day week for me, and I have a 5 day weekend coming up! Woo! Friday is my last day off for summer hours, Monday is labor day, and Tuesday I took off to go to a Cubs game. Yes, I'm a bitch. Rob and Dayna move into their new place this weekend too, which is excellent. It's downtown near Wrigley Field and the Metro, so it should be good times. And not just for them.

I found out what Bill keeps talking about on his stupid blog. "That thing that was going well? It's still going well." What a bastard. Why didn't I get an e-mail about this? So much for visiting him in Arizona.

Oh yeah, and Tom has apparently moved down to St. Louis. The only reason this concerns me at all is because I'm kind of expecting something from him and this makes it a little harder for him to give it to me. It also allows me to see some of the other kids a little more though, which is good.

That's about all for today. Take care.