Thursday, March 23, 2006

This is going to be so boring.

A. Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Paperboy (remember how awesome the Nintendo game was?)
2. Stockboy
3. Inside Sales Boy
4. Gayboy

B. Four Movies I’ll Watch Over and Over:
1. Anchorman
2. The Matrix
3. Office Space
4. SpongeBob Movie

C. Four Places I Called Home:
1. Lombard, IL
2. Rock Island, IL
3. Carol Stream, IL
4. Hell

D. Four TV Shows I Love:
1. Curb Your Enthusiasm
2. The Office
3. The Adam Corolla Project
4. Aqua Teen Hunger Force

E. Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation:
1. London, England
2. Jacksonville, FL
3. San Francisco, CA
4. Cancun, Mexico

F. Four Websites I Visit Daily:

G. My Four Favorite Foods:
1. Sausage pizza
2. Steak fondue
3. Portillo's hotdog
4. My wife's pussy

H. Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. The Bahamas
2. Daytona, FL (visiting Bill)
3. Australia
4. My wife's pussy

I. Four People I’m Tagging:
1. Kathryn Bach
2. Daniel O'Connor
3. Theresalynn Haynes
4. Fred Savage

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by RnBach.
Here's the baby about a month ago. It sorta looks like he/she is playing air guitar!

Oliver playing guitar

Oliver Playing
Originally uploaded by RnBach.
My nephew is rocking out at the age of one. Woo!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I haven't posted for almost 5 months now. Exciting things have happened...

Kate is pregnant! We think I knocked her up on the night of the halloween party back in October. I'm sure you've seen the "Corpse Bride & Groom" picture from said night way too many times by now. Anyway, she's due around the end of June. We're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl, but we think we've got the names picked out either way. We're so excited, but Mia may actually be more excited than we are. More to follow...

I know this is my first post since 2005, but I should really go to bed. It's almost 4 in the morning right now. I was just feeling really good because I think I've finally fixed our computer. Thank God. Bye for now!