Monday, September 12, 2005

My beautiful girls

My beautiful girls
Originally uploaded by RnBach.
This picture makes me so happy!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things are going well. Kate got a new job a couple weeks ago, but she hasn't quit her old one yet. So she's working 5-6 nights a week. Yuck. She's still feeling nervous about it, but she'll be kicking ass before you know it. Our condo is so bitchin'. There's some nice laminate flooring in the dining area now -- my dad and I spent quite some time installing it. Mia turned 5 years old a couple weeks ago and she just started pre-K (sometimes I call it preschool and she yells at me). Paul and Laura are getting married in less than a month. Rob turns 26 next weekend.

That's all for now!